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Draw an American flag on an Access report, any size, any position, using VBA.
Access drew the flag that was used as background image in the Word document that data from Access is merged into.
'*************** Code Start ***************************************************** ' reference: ' http://msaccessgurus.com/VBA/Code/AmericanFlag.htm ' module: mod_FlagAmerican_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : Draw an American flag on an Access report, any size, any position. ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' License : below code ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' FlagAmerican '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub FlagAmerican( _ pReport As Report _ ,ByVal pX As Single,ByVal pY As Single _ ,ByVal pMaxWidth As Single _ ,ByVal pMaxHeight As Single _ ,Optional ByVal piColorSet As Integer = 0 _ ) '200611 strive4peace, 200629 'called from code behind report on page to draw flag -- or send report object 'draw flag at pX, pY 'proportions for the American Flag are hard-coded based on the height 'measurements from: ' https://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq3.html ' 'measurements in TWIPS 'uses font for stars: Wingdings 2 Dim x2Flag As Single,y2Flag As Single _ ,dXFlag As Single,dYFlag As Single _ ,dXUnion As Single,dYUnion As Single _ ,dYStripe As Single _ ,dXStar As Single,dYStar As Single _ ,HeightStar As Single,WidthStar As Single _ ,sgFlagWidth2Height As Single _ ,x1 As Single,y1 As Single _ ,x2 As Single,y2 As Single _ ,sgStarFontSize As Single _ ,nBlue As Long _ ,nRed As Long _ ,nWhite As Long _ ,nBlack As Long _ ,i As Integer _ ,j As Integer _ ,iDrawWidth As Integer _ ,sStar As String If piColorSet <> 0 Then 'faded colors nBlue = 16772590 'RGB(238,237,255) nRed = 15127295 'RGB(255,210,230) nBlack = 14474460 'RGB(220,220,220) Else 'regular colors nBlue = 7223353 'RGB(57, 56, 110) nRed = 3218867 'RGB(179, 29, 49) nBlack = 0 End If nWhite = 16777215 'RGB(255, 255, 255) 'proportion for width:height sgFlagWidth2Height = 1.9 iDrawWidth = 2 'make sure proportions are right If pMaxHeight > pMaxWidth / sgFlagWidth2Height Then dXFlag = pMaxWidth dYFlag = pMaxWidth / sgFlagWidth2Height Else dXFlag = pMaxWidth * sgFlagWidth2Height dYFlag = pMaxHeight End If 'x2 and y2 for flag x2Flag = pX + dXFlag y2Flag = pY + dYFlag 'size of union dXUnion = 0.76 * dYFlag dYUnion = 7 / 13 * dYFlag 'height of stripe = 1/13 flag height dYStripe = dYFlag / 13 '--------------------- stripes x1 = pX + dXUnion x2 = x2Flag 'draw red stripes, skip white stripes 'stripes next to union For i = 1 To 7 Step 2 y1 = pY + (i - 1) * dYStripe y2 = y1 + dYStripe pReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),nRed,BF Next i 'stripes below union x1 = pX For i = 9 To 13 Step 2 y1 = pY + (i - 1) * dYStripe y2 = y1 + dYStripe pReport.Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),nRed,BF Next i '--------------------- union 'draw filled rectangle for union pReport.Line (pX,pY)-(pX + dXUnion,pY + dYUnion),nBlue,BF '--------------------- stars 'character to use for star sStar = Chr(234) 'font="Wingdings 2" dXStar = 0.063 * dYFlag dYStar = 0.054 * dYFlag sgStarFontSize = 0.0616 * dYFlag / 20 With pReport .DrawWidth = iDrawWidth 'line width is 2 pixels .FontSize = sgStarFontSize 'iFontSize .FontName = "Wingdings 2" .ForeColor = nWhite WidthStar = .TextWidth(sStar) HeightStar = .TextHeight(sStar) y1 = pY + dYStar - HeightStar / 2 For j = 1 To 5 x1 = pX + dXStar - WidthStar / 2 .CurrentY = y1 For i = 1 To 6 .CurrentX = x1 .Print sStar x1 = x1 + (2# * dXStar) Next i x1 = pX + (2 * dXStar) - WidthStar / 2 y1 = y1 + dYStar .CurrentY = y1 If j <> 5 Then For i = 1 To 5 .CurrentX = x1 .Print sStar x1 = x1 + (2# * dXStar) Next i End If y1 = y1 + dYStar Next j End With 'draw rectangle for flag pReport.Line (pX,pY)-(x2Flag,y2Flag),nBlack,B End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : draw a full page American flag ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' License : below code ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' NEEDS module: ' mod_FlagAmerican_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Report_Page() '200612 strive4peace 'draw a full page American flag ' CALLS ' FlagAmerican Dim X As Single,Y As Single _ ,dX As Single,dY As Single With Me .ScaleMode = 1 'twips X = .ScaleLeft Y = .ScaleTop dX = .ScaleWidth dY = .ScaleHeight End With 'draw a full page flag-- limited by proportional dimensions of flag Call FlagAmerican(Me,X,Y,dX,dY) End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose : draw 4 flags diagonally down the page, faded color ' Author : crystal (strive4peace) ' License : below code ' Code List: www.msaccessgurus.com/code.htm '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' NEEDS module: ' mod_FlagAmerican_s4p '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Report_Page() '200612 strive4peace 'draw 4 flags diagonally down the page, faded color ' CALLS ' FlagAmerican Dim X As Single,Y As Single _ ,dX As Single,dY As Single _ ,i As Integer With Me .ScaleMode = 1 'twips X = .ScaleLeft Y = .ScaleTop dX = .ScaleWidth / 4 dY = .ScaleHeight / 4 End With For i = 1 To 4 'draw a quarter page flag-- limited by proportional dimensions of flag 'color set <> 0 for faded colors Call FlagAmerican(Me,X,Y,dX,dY,1) X = X + dX Y = Y + dY Next i End Sub ' You may freely use and share this code ' provided this license notice and comment lines are not changed; ' code may be modified provided you clearly note your changes. ' You may not sell this code alone, or as part of a collection, ' without my handwritten permission. ' All ownership rights reserved. Use at your own risk. ' ~ crystal (strive4peace) www.msaccessgurus.com '*************** Code End *******************************************************`
Keyword and comments in code were colored with Color Code add-in
The basic structure of the code to draw flags is similar to code for the CalendarMaker.
It needs a report object, XY coordinates of upper left, maximum width and height (unlike the CalendarMaker, which stretches to what is sent, the flag code uses dimensions from American flag measurements), and, optionally faded colors instead of normal.
Measurements are in TWIPs (TWenty In a Point). There are 1440 twips in an inch.
The font used for the star is Wingdings 2, Chr(234). The report.print method doesn't render ChrW characters properly, so I had to find a star in a font.
Help: Report.TextHeight method
Help: Report.CurrentX property
Help: Report.CurrentY property
Help: Report.FontName property
Help: Report.FontSize property
Help: Report.ForeColor property
I love celebrating holidays. Independence Day was always a day for watching parades, eating ice cream, and waving flags. In these uncertain times, I don't know how much celebration will happen, but I honor those who stood up and fought for what's right and laid the rules in place to ensure our rights and freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
here's the link for this page in case you want to copy it:
Email me anytime at info@msAccessGurus
Let's connect and do it together. As needed, I'll pull in code and features from my vast libraries, cutting out lots of development time.
Or maybe you have graphics you want to be able to use on reports ... an image or logo that Access could draw? or maybe indicators like stoplights on records? That would be fun to figure out!
I'm happy to help you!
I like working with people who want to do it themself,
and just need someone to guide past the obstacles
and teach better ways.
For training and programming, email me at training@msAccessGurus
I look forward to hearing from you ~
~ crystal